Comedy Secrets - How To Be A Seriously Funny Comedian and Add Jokes & Humour To Speeches and Public Speaking Best
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Comedy Secrets - How To Be A Seriously Funny Comedian and Add Jokes & Humour To Speeches and Public Speaking Overview
Jonathan Royle within the pages of this short but comprehensive manual containing over 13,250+ words teaches you in a simple step by step manner how to become a Hilarious and Confident Alternative or MainStream Comedian and Comic Entertainer.
The techniques taught also reveal how to add Jokes and Humour to Speeches and Public Speaking Presentations and how to become the life and soul of any party.
You will also learn some of the funniest jokes and gags and one liners in the world along with Heckler stoppers and much more from the man who has in the past been a support act to Lee Evans, Logan Murray, Jimmy Circket and many other top names on the British Comedy Circuit.
Comedy Secrets - How To Be A Seriously Funny Comedian and Add Jokes & Humour To Speeches and Public Speaking Specifications
Jonathan Royle within the pages of this short but comprehensive manual containing over 13,250+ words teaches you in a simple step by step manner how to become a Hilarious and Confident Alternative or MainStream Comedian and Comic Entertainer.
The techniques taught also reveal how to add Jokes and Humour to Speeches and Public Speaking Presentations and how to become the life and soul of any party.
You will also learn some of the funniest jokes and gags and one liners in the world along with Heckler stoppers and much more from the man who has in the past been a support act to Lee Evans, Logan Murray, Jimmy Circket and many other top names on the British Comedy Circuit.
Customer Reviews
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 29, 2012 05:10:35
Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted. - Fred Allen
Funny Jokes One Liners
There are a lot of assorted puns in our English language. A pun uses the play-on-word technique. Puns are humor made with an acoustical knot. It uses a word or phrase with two dissimilar meanings and interpretations. The pun works because the English language is so ambiguous. Most puns you will never use, but to give you a feel for the pun, we will look at some of the more unusual ones.
Using the Pun in the Pulpit
Do Vegetarians Eat Animal Crackers? Best
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Do Vegetarians Eat Animal Crackers? Overview
If a book on failure doesn't sell, is it considered a success? Have you ever dreamt you had insomnia? Why do we put suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase? This book contains hundreds more of these funny, creative and thought provoking, one-liner questions. They can be used as pure entertainment or for enhancing your emails, conversations and writing.
Do Vegetarians Eat Animal Crackers? Specifications
If a book on failure doesn't sell, is it considered a success? Have you ever dreamt you had insomnia? Why do we put suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase? This book contains hundreds more of these funny, creative and thought provoking, one-liner questions. They can be used as pure entertainment or for enhancing your emails, conversations and writing.
Customer Reviews
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 25, 2012 09:41:05
Spoonerism: The reversal of letters in a sentence. It is named after Rev. W.A. Spooner (1844-1930) who was a excellent Anglican clergyman who accidentally interchanged introductory sounds.
"Is it kisomary to cuss the bride?"
"Watch that fellow, he is dain bramaged."
A farmer builds himself a home completely out of Kentucky bluegrass, and uses the second and third floors for his impressive variety of the chairs of kings, purchased from kingdoms around the world. The chairs are all ornate and all beautiful, and the farmer spends much of his time taking perfect care of them.
One day, the farmer decides that it is time to fertilize the bluegrass that makes up the buildings of the house, and he moves all of his costly chairs to the attic. He thought about spreads fertilizer on the third floor, and then waters it. Satisfied, he goes to the second floor and repeats the process. He fertilizes the family quarters on the first floor, and finally goes down to the basement to finish his job.
While he's down there, there is a vast creaking. The weight of the chairs is too much for the attic floorboards, and the chairs come crashing down. They crash straight through the third, second, and first floors, and crush the poor farmer to death. The moral of the story: citizen in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones. (If you have to say after a joke, "Forgive me for that one." You probably shouldn't use it.)
Tom Swifties: It was made preponderant from Tom quickly books. Here the pun word is used as an adverb. This humor was used in a fictional character for a series of children books written by Edward L. Stratemeyer. "Let's go to McDonald's," said Tom archly. "I know who turned off the lights," Tom hinted darkly.
Malapropisms: Using a word that sounds like an actual word but isn't. Think of any Saturday Night Live show where President Bush is being mimicked. There are a few others. But these puns are not what give puns a bad name. What gives puns a bad name are the type called Pun Iii.
A pun is the lowest from of wit especially if you didn't say it first. - Oscar Levant
Pun type Iii are puns where the words used are inexact sound-alikes. These words are distorted. For example,
Be alert. After all, the world needs more lerts.
An early winter is Novemberrr.
Two men were shipwrecked on an island. After weeks without eating, one man said, "Why are we starving? Let's go over to that bacon tree and gets some bacon." The second said, "There's no such thing as a bacon tree." "There is too a bacon tree," insisted the first man. He proceeded to march over to the other side of the island. After any hours he returned with his body full of arrows. "You were right," he gasped to his friend. "That wasn't a bacon tree. It was a ham bush."
I doubt that you would ever use that joke in a homily, but it is clever enough to be told in a group setting. The question with Pun Iii is when the words being used are too vague, silly or stupid. For example: My neighbor is a doctor and he has a organery by my house. I call it a Dockyard. These are just some of the many types of puns out there. Any way silly, they meet the definition of play-on-words.
Vague vs. Ambiguous
Before we discuss the type of puns that can be used for homilies, we need to make a difference between the words: vague and ambiguous.
Vagueness is defined as being not clearly expressed, while ambiguous is defined as an expression with more than one interpretation. Puns are thought about bi-ambiguous or having two dissimilar interpretations. All puns have this and must therefore be crafted carefully. Vagueness is obscuring and is poor communication. When you are using puns, never be vague. It won't get laughs. The puns that can be used effectively in a homily are called Pun type I and Pun type Ii. They are funnier because they are more realistic.
Pun Type I and Pun Type Ii
Type One
Invisible pun. Homographic Puns: The use of many meanings from a singular spelling.
Type Two
Sound alike but not look alike.
Homophonic Puns: The use of similar sounds with dissimilar spellings.
Type One Examples
A daydreaming pupil wanted to quit school to work in a factory manufacture frosty orange juice. He didn't get the job because he couldn't concentrate. The whole of Americans who are overweight has reached nearly ninety million. Of course, that's in round figures.
Type Two Examples
A glassblower inhaled and got a pane in the stomach. As Noah see ungrammatically while the animals were boarding the Ark, "Now I herd everything!" Then, there was Paul. He in effect couldn't handle the stuff. Paul would get s smashed we'd in effect have to carry him home. I know. I was one of his quarterly Paul (pall) bearers.
The inveterate punster follows conversation as a shark follows a ship. - Stephen Leacock
Creating Type Puns I and Ii
Step One: Find a topic that you want to use. It might be your homily theme or a current event.
Step Two: Make a list of keywords linked to your topic (a large list).
Step Three: Take the list of words and circle any that can be interpreted in more than one way.
Step Four: Get creative and start connecting the words with ideas.
Step Five: Put these words into a clear sentence. You could also make a story out of the punned words, but unless you are good at writing stories, I propose that you stay with the one-liner. It gets a laugh just as loud as the anecdote.
For this example, the homily theme being used is that "Christians can never retire."
Step One: I am writing a homily using the theme retirement and that we as Christians will never retire. In the same week, Brett Favre was arrival out of his Nfl retirement.
Step Two: I came up with a long list of retirement words and Nfl words.
Step Three: I came up with the words "never retire" and "pass away."
Step Four and Five: I finally came up with a Pun I:
Old quarterbacks never retire, they just pass away... Unless you are Brett Farve.
Using the same formula I also came up with a pun Ii:
I don't care if Brett Favre comes out of retirement. In my conception he is the best quarterback until he proves me different. He is still the "King of the Throne" (Thrown.) The key to this formula is to come up with a large list and being creative enough to put those words together into a meaningful sentence. It helps to spend in a good homonym book.
A pun is a pistol discharged at the ear. - Charles Lamb
Sometimes the punning isn't an ambiguous word but is a twist on a coarse phrase or cliché. There are two general types - the Reforming Phrase and the Take-Off Phrase.
Reforming Phrases Examples
You take a proper phrase, cliche or idiom, and alter it for comic effect. For example:
I'm as pure as the driven slush.
Every crowd has a silver lining.
Most girls today have a keen sense of rumor.
The Take-Off Examples
The Take-Off is another way to use a proper phrase for comic effect, but instead of altering the phrase, you take the phrase and add a funny conclusion.
For example:
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
To get back on your feet, miss two car payments.
If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.
Creating the Reforming Phrase and the Take-Off
Step One: Find a topic that you want to use. It might be your homily theme or a current event.
Step Two: List a lot of proper phrases on your topic. (Get some good books on quotations and clichés.)
Step Three: Take the phrases and start creatively reforming them.
Step Four: Take the phrases and start to creatively take-off-ing them.
Step Five: choose the best one for your homily.
The examples (below) for the reforming and take-off are from the theme of sin and wrongs:
Reforming: Two wrongs might make a riot.
Take-off: Two wrongs don't make a right, but three will get you back on the freeway.
It helps to spend in a integrate pun books and quotations/cliché books. It will make your life easier when looking for funny lines.
The nation whose citizen go in for puns is on a high level of culture. - G. C. Lichtenberg
You now have four good types of puns that can be used in the pulpit. Two are word puns, and two are phrase puns. This is more than enough pun material to use successfully in the pulpit.
This is an rehearsal to help you distinguish the four types of puns. Print I for pun I, and print Ii for pun Ii. Place an R for reforming, and a T for take-off. Answers are below.
____A bike can't stand alone because it is two-tired.
____Every calendar's days are numbered.
____Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine.
____A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
____A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
____When my wife saw he first strands of gray hair, she conception she'd dye!
____It's an I for an I when two egotists meet.
____I know a baker who hired a loafer.
____Animals may be our friend, but they won't pick you up at the airport.
____One thing about free advice, it's usually worth it.
1. Ii 6. Ii
2. I 7. T
3. Ii 8. I
4. R 9. T
5. R 10.T
This guide would not be faultless without a conference on relationship jokes.
Connection Jokes
A relationship joke is also called a cross-over joke. It works because it makes associations. The relationship joke takes a dissimilar viewpoint on a word and can be thought about as a pun. What is best about the cross-over joke is that it is very easy to switch and make new jokes from the old one.
"I'm worried about my son's health."
"What's he got?"
"A motorcycle."
When you think of "he's worried about son's health," you think of some type of illness. However, you find out that "he's worried about his son having a motorcycle. His nose was like an intriguing book... It was red to the very end. The relationship word is a pun of red (color) to Read (reading.) Now, let's use the switching formula to generate new jokes. In the first example, take the set-up and punch line and switch it:
"I'm worried about my son."
His friend asked, "Why?"
"Because he changed his major to political science."
"Because he just bought a 70s polyester suit."
The idea is to take his worry about his son's condition and switch it to being worried about his son's study or his son's clothing style.
In the second example, you can in effect switch the set-up: His nose was like the (Bible; Reader's Digest)... Red to the very end. Or you can switch the punch line: His nose was like a book... 9 inches wide. His nose was like a book... Thick with black marks on it. Or convert both the set-up and the punch line: His nose looked like it fell off a ladder... It was black and blue. The trick is to convert the book to literature and convert the red to color.
When you convert the keywords to something more general, you will be able to make new jokes. You will be using what the professional comedians call "crossing-over." It is a good technique, and it will come to be easy to do with practice. The pun is mightier than the sword.
Once you apply these pun techniques in your homilies, you will come to realize that puns are not the lowest form of humor. They will come to be a good source for your humor. Here are the puns that we have covered:
Pun I or indiscernible pun.
Pun Ii or sound-alike's.
Cross-Over or Switching Technique
Connection Jokes
On final note, it is highly recommended that you purchase a good dictionary, cliché book and a quotation book. When you start using the pun in your pulpit, you will find that you are truly punny person. (Pun intended.)
Using the Pun in the PulpitI'm A Waiter Tube. Duration : 3.52 Mins.
The only reason I am a comedian is because I don't want to go back to the horrible life of a Server. This song is for anyone who has ever worked in the food service industry. For bookings, contact
This is a video from the Muppet Show where Milton Berle the best comedian the television knew failed to compete with the well known Statler & Waldorf, very funny.
Mark Wahlberg Is A Total Schmuck! -- "The Other Guys" & "Dinner For Schmucks" Reviews Video Clips. Duration : 6.07 Mins.
Tonight's Films: • The Other Guys -- Hilariously ridiculous action police procedural - 8/10. • Dinner For Schmucks -- Unlikable, unrealistic characters, but funny - 6/10. Rate Next Week's Films: • Piranha 3D -- • The Social Network -- * Tweet a review with the #JPMN hashtag, and have it featured on the show! * ~~ Movie Night ~~ Incorporating your viewer comments, film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the "Rate-O-Matic" for a 1-10 ranking. New episodes published every Friday (Nov through May). Jonathan Paula is a 25-year-old professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". He graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production and Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his fiancée. ~~ Related Videos ~~ Movie Night -- The Hangover + Inglourious Basterds -- Movie Night -- Couples Retreat + Felon -- Microwave: Fire Alarm -- ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ---------------- Twitter -------------------- 2nd Channel ------------ Movie Night Archive -- Tweet Critiques -------- Movies I've Rated ----- My Best Videos ------- FAQ Video -------------- T-Shirts ------------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ...
You Don't Have To Be Jewish Tube. Duration : 4.50 Mins.
from a wonderful, but sadly, out of print album from Bob Booker was a master of the seemingly lost art of the sketch comedy album; he was one of the writers behind the smash hit Kennedy parody disc The First Family, and several years later he teamed up with George Foster to create You Don't Have To Be Jewish, a collection of blackout bits and extended one-liners which poked fun at the absurdities of American Jewish culture. Like The First Family, You Don't Have To Be Jewish was recorded in a studio with a live audience in attendance, as a cast of actors performed scripted material much in the manner of a radio play. While You Don't Have To Be Jewish wasn't going to win any awards for originality even in 1965 ? many of these jokes were already antiques by that point ? and some of this material sounds a bit less than PC in the 21st Century (especially the persistent presence of the Nagging Jewish Mother), for the most part the album is funny stuff and far too good-hearted to offend anyone. Booker and Foster had the good judgment to assemble a superb cast for this recording, and they transform what could have been ordinary Catskill shtick into something memorable; the performers include Lou Jacobi, Jack Gilford, Betty Walker and Joe Silver, and their expert timing and feel for their characters is impeccable. You Don't Have To Be Jewish is a fine sampling of classic Borscht Belt humor (blended with a bit of like-minded new material) performed by a top-notch ...
A New Kind Of Comedy - X Rated Tube. Duration : 1.48 Mins.
(Copyrighted Material)All usage Of My Material "Must Be Authorized Before Use" All One Liners, Puns, Satire, Sarcasm, Irony & Comedic Jokes Were Created and Produced By (Mr Pregnant) Unauthorized use of materials without written approval will result in copyright infringement and possibly legal implications....! Mr Pregnant The Internet Legend. http Mr Pregnant FUNNY IMAGES MUST SEE TELEVISION APPEARANCES Mr Pregnant On America's Got Talent Previews Mr Pregnant On ABC 7 News Rudetube Channel 4 UK Mr Pregnant On VH1 Undateable VH1 Top 40 Internet Superstars Appeared on VH1 Webjunk 20 Appeared on VH1 Webjunk 20 Again Appeared on G4TV Appeared on The Dave Chapelle Show Appeared on NBC News AOL Talks About Mr Pregnant Appeared on New Zealand Television Appeared on Forward clip to 14.12 minutes to see my interview. Mr Pregnant AOL Interview Part 1 Mr Pregnant AOL Interview Part 2
Picking up in bars and nightclubs is all the time a bit of a hit and miss. Sometimes the most charming one liner will work wonders, and other times the girl will slap you in the face and walk away. Nothing is guaranteed a 100% success rate when it comes to chicks in clubs, but there are a number of things that are guaranteed to not work.
Have you ever tried to pick up a girl by pretending that you're not curious in her, or being so mean to her that she ended up hating you instead of reasoning you're cute? Does your idea of a good way to get a girl's attentiveness consist of slapping her slowly on her butt and telling her she's "foxy"? If so, you need to stop and take a second to rethink, rework, and remember these top 5 things not to do when picking up girls in bars and nightclubs.
Funny Jokes One Liners
1. Don't ever swear at her.
Things Not to Do When Picking Up Girls in Bars and Nightclubs
Winning with One-Liners: 3,400 Hilarious Laugh Lines to Tickle Your Funny Bone and Spice Up Your Speeches Best
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Winning with One-Liners: 3,400 Hilarious Laugh Lines to Tickle Your Funny Bone and Spice Up Your Speeches Overview
One of the country's premier speakers provides an A-to-Z list of quick quips make presentations outstanding. "I love one-liners and I love to laugh. This book is packed with both. I loved it!" -Jeff Foxworthy, Comedian "Pat Williams is a comedy genius. Granted, he stole all this material, but the people he stole it from are very, very funny." -Dave Barry, Humor writer "For a man who never took a shot he didn't like, I just love this book! It's filled with over 3,400 'shots' and these jokes are guaranteed to score with your audience. The room will rebound with laughter." -Charles Barkley, Retired NBA great Laughter is power. Nothing livens up a presentation like well-placed jokes, which can take an audience from bored disinterest to rapt attention in seconds. In this ultimate collection of one-liners, author Pat Williams, one of the country's top motivational and inspirational speakers and senior vice president of the Orlando Magic, shares the jokes he has been using to win over audiences for over forty years. Arranged into more than 200 categories-from airlines and politics to world conditions and zoos-these 3,400 battle-tested funnies, delivered before a rich variety of audiences, will keep readers roaring. While many other joke books offer material that is either not very funny or off-color, Winning with One-Liners provides clean, wholesome entertainment for all audiences. Sometimes we all need a good laugh, and Pat Williams shows how to do it right in this indispensable book for all speakers.
Winning with One-Liners: 3,400 Hilarious Laugh Lines to Tickle Your Funny Bone and Spice Up Your Speeches Specifications
One of the country's premier speakers provides an A-to-Z list of quick quips make presentations outstanding. "I love one-liners and I love to laugh. This book is packed with both. I loved it!" -Jeff Foxworthy, Comedian "Pat Williams is a comedy genius. Granted, he stole all this material, but the people he stole it from are very, very funny." -Dave Barry, Humor writer "For a man who never took a shot he didn't like, I just love this book! It's filled with over 3,400 'shots' and these jokes are guaranteed to score with your audience. The room will rebound with laughter." -Charles Barkley, Retired NBA great Laughter is power. Nothing livens up a presentation like well-placed jokes, which can take an audience from bored disinterest to rapt attention in seconds. In this ultimate collection of one-liners, author Pat Williams, one of the country's top motivational and inspirational speakers and senior vice president of the Orlando Magic, shares the jokes he has been using to win over audiences for over forty years. Arranged into more than 200 categories-from airlines and politics to world conditions and zoos-these 3,400 battle-tested funnies, delivered before a rich variety of audiences, will keep readers roaring. While many other joke books offer material that is either not very funny or off-color, Winning with One-Liners provides clean, wholesome entertainment for all audiences. Sometimes we all need a good laugh, and Pat Williams shows how to do it right in this indispensable book for all speakers.
Customer Reviews
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 10, 2012 00:09:13
You can swear around her, to her, and even about her when you're with your mates the next day, but the last thing that a girl wants to hear from the guy that's trying to hit on her is "f*** you, shut up" over and over. I once met a guy who was fairly good looking, but every time I tried to talk to him all I'd hear is "f*** you...shut up!" He did it in a playful way, but after the tenth time it got a wee bit frustrating. Here's a tip, guys: swearing should be saved for football games, complaining about your boss, and sex. Don't bring it into the nightclub.
2. Don't dance if you can't.
If you're unable to pop it, lock it, drop it with your mates, then it's undoubtedly not a good idea to try to pick up a girl in this way. Trying to seduce a friend with funny, lame dance moves is great; trying to seduce the girl who has never met you before with some sort of effort at a Moonwalk is not. See the movie Hitch for a excellent example of the sort of dancing guys should never do in bars and nightclubs.
3. Don't order her an obscene, brainless sounding drink.
I can't stress this enough: stop wasting your money buying her these drinks in the hopes that she will go home with you that night. Even if she does, you will have wasted a hell of a lot of money when you could have found a beautiful girl for free.
4. Don't try to be the "cool guy"
Chicks dig guys who are real, not guys who try to wink at every person or guys who don't smile. The worst thing you can do when you try to pick up a girl is to make her think you're bored of her. I can't stress it enough. But smile normally: don't be a guy who smiles and winks and comes off as pervy. Just be normal: we love that.
5. Don't talk to her about other girls.
A sure-fire way to ruin your chances with a girl you've just met in a bar or nightclub is to tell her which girl mate of yours is hot, or which girl you currently have a crush on. Don't tell her about every person you've slept with, how many citizen you've hit on, or anything else that you wouldn't tell a girl when you're sober. I once met a German traveler who had obviously gotten with a lot of girls while travelling, but when I joked about it he said "let's not talk about it." Now that's class.
Sure, as a joke, these things can be funny when you're not in it for anything more than a laugh...but if you're serious about not going home to an empty bed, they should be avoided. Smile at her, talk to her, and be yourself. While that's the biggest cliché in the world, just remember: it's only called a cliché because it works so often, and being a normal, likable guy is the best cliché of all.
Things Not to Do When Picking Up Girls in Bars and Nightclubs
Sh*t Creepers Say Video Clips. Duration : 3.58 Mins.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ONE-LINERS IN THIS VIDEO? TELL US IN THE COMMENTS! Like the end of the video says, Pedophilia really is not a joke. We do NOT support this sick disorder in any way, shape, or form. We are making fun of the people themselves, not the topic. Really glad many of you like the video. To those who don't, we can understand your concern. Even us, the creators have had mixed feelings about making this video. Many times we weren't sure if we were going to create/post this sketch because it leans over on such a touchy topic or could be interpreted the wrong way - & God knows we never ever want to offend anyone or be insensitive to anyone. Let alone give the impression that we support that sick behavior etc. Like always, we just wanted to create a character and make you guys laugh. We had to figure out a way to "lighten" the mood but make sure we are sensitive or respectful at the same time. One way we sort of did that was was by giving the character glasses that almost make the characters eyes look creepy, yet unrealistic- cartoon-ish or animated. The lines are supposed to be a slightly warped & exaggerated look into what could POSSIBLY be the mind of a "creep" (hence the title name). Many of the lines are based from stereotypes people say as well. We made sure to show that the lines are done in a silly tone or with an unrealistic, humorous approach. We made sure we never see an under aged person, there are no sexual comments, there are no curses, & we made ...
Keywords: brisavesmemories, Photography, Videography, nyc, cococo10, Community, College, Comedians, Winter, Season, Snow, Just, Dance, new, minu, Funny, Comedy, Talk, Trend, Sketch, Humour, Humor, Stand, Jokes, City, Hilarious, Sitcom, New York City, Comic, Actor, Acting, tripleco., Stuff, ____, Say, S***, People, Creepy, Random
You Know you are Getting Chunky When... (The Unleashed "You Know"Series) Best
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You Know you are Getting Chunky When... (The Unleashed "You Know"Series) Overview
This is the hysterically funny bookon the taboo topic of gaining weight, packing on the pounds --- getting chunky – getting fat. Page after page of ridiculously funny fat quotes jokes and cartoons. Funny one liners to use on your out of shape friends or on yourself
Sample Funny Quotes - Jokes - One Liners:
You Know you are Getting Chunky When…
• You start handing out condoms to your fat cells as they are reproducing too quickly. • If you were kidnapped, and they charged “by the pound” for ransom, you would be in serious trouble. • You are continually getting calls from “Sumo” recruiters.
You Know you are Getting Chunky When... (The Unleashed "You Know"Series) Specifications
This is the hysterically funny bookon the taboo topic of gaining weight, packing on the pounds --- getting chunky – getting fat. Page after page of ridiculously funny fat quotes jokes and cartoons. Funny one liners to use on your out of shape friends or on yourself
Sample Funny Quotes - Jokes - One Liners:
You Know you are Getting Chunky When…
• You start handing out condoms to your fat cells as they are reproducing too quickly. • If you were kidnapped, and they charged “by the pound” for ransom, you would be in serious trouble. • You are continually getting calls from “Sumo” recruiters.
Customer Reviews
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 02, 2012 21:39:59